xxx VOODOO RHYTHM RECORDS – Nestter Donuts - flamenco trash

Nestter Donuts - flamenco trash

Format LP+DL: VR12117 (barcode:7640148983044)
Format CD: VRCD117 (barcode:7640148983082)
Date of Release: March.11.2022

from Alicante/Barcelona in Spain Flamenco Trash one man band you Dirty Wild Rock’n’Roll Garage Punk and Super LO-FI Trash!!!

from Alicante/Barcelona in Spain comes the most amazing Flamenco Trash one man band you never heard of.. born and raised 1993 by a Gipsy Flamenco Family grew up and Playing the dirtiest clubs in Town and made contact with the British music (via the Tourists) and just wanted to Trash it up .. until he created his own Music Style FLAMENCO TRASH with that Mission he toured around Spain and the Rest of Europe as one man band or in Bands such as the Suicide Generation , he’s deep in wild Trash Rock’n’Roll and he's definitely the Spanish Bastard Son of Hasil Adkins this is no Doubt ,his flair for Flamenco Music comes from his parents , little Nestter when he still was a baby, he was Born a Twin, his Brother works a ‚real‘ Jop but Nestter he’s the Black sheep in the Family he loves to gets Nacked on stage and plays with his Genitales the Maracas to torture his Flamenco Trash guitar like no other Flamenco Devil before, he is wild, crazy and he is the one and only Donut that calls himself Nestter, please welcome Spains Number 1 nutjop to your house and let yourself go into the Wild Wild World of Flamenco Trash with Nestter Donuts




Dieser Junge Herr kommt aus Alicante/Barcelona im Süden Spaniens, die wohl schrägste tollste und wildeste Flamenco-Trash-One-Mann-Band überhaupt seit Menschengedenken. Hineingeboren 1993 in eine Musizierende Fernfahrer Familie kam er schon früh in Kontakt mit Englisch und Holländischen Touristen und nahm ihre Musik zu sich nach Hause wo er dann diese kuriose Mischung kreierte Flamenco + Trash und kreierte sein Eigenes Ein-Man-Orchester, Tourte fleißig ganz Spanien und Europa ua als Gast Musiker von Suicide Generation, er steckt tief im sumpf von wildem Trash Rock'n'Roll und ist definitive die spanische Wiederauferstehung von Hasil Adkins (der Gott aller one man bands) seine liebe für die Flamenco-Musik hatte er von seinen Eltern geerbt sein Zwilling Sohn hingegen musste einen richtigen Beruf erlernen, doch Nestter blieb das schwarze Schaf der Familie, auf der Bühne ist er am ende vom Konzert meistens nackt und ausgeschwitzt und spielt mit seinen Genitalien die Marracas und quält seine Flamenco-Trash-Gitarre wie kein anderer, er ist ein Primitiver Wilder der auf ein jungfräuliches Prinzessinnen Publikum trifft, und ist der einzige Donut, der sich Nestter nennen darf, bitte heißen Sie ihn willkommen Spaniens Nummer 1 Nutjop und lassen Sie sich mit Nestter Donuts in die Welt des wilden wilden Rock’n’Roll Flamenco Trash verführen


Hailing from Alicante in Spain, the new album from Nestter Donuts is a mash-up exactly as it says on the tin. Pure Flamenco Trash! When soul hit disco, when rap and rock collided, when garage injected itself in R&B; new forms created from smashed pieces. And now comes Nestter Donuts with his own one-man-band dual form anomaly, unique in his style and delivery, his latest album spelling out perfectly where he’s coming from. This is Flamenco Trash. He may open the album with the somewhat more traditional flamenco sound of his Gypsy roots, but it doesn’t take long for his true trash punk soul to take hold of his history and morph it into something altogether new. Album highlight, Infección, hits early. “Ay Nestter, no puedo más…ayúdame” (I can’t take any more…help me). Tough luck and good luck falling into Nestter’s world. The track is the perfect blend of his two styles, honed by playing the downright dirtiest dives of his hometown to European tours with bands like Suicide Generation. That said, this album is by no means a butchering of his heritage as he shows it the utmost respect on tracks like Bruges Jail Rumba, Duna De La Perversión and the closing couplet of Milena and Mi Sangre, Mi Amor. He knows full well though that the twin push and pull of these two styles must come together, it is where he truly feels at home, blending his own self with what has gone before. Die Torero is another real highlight with its stomping rhythm. The lyrics are muffled beneath the music and sound of the bullring, but the title seems to reflect an artist kicking back against his country’s traditions and also, such as on Veneno Barato, reflecting the new dangers that pervade the streets. Forget Fiesta, this is the real sound of a Spain that is still doing battle between tradition and modernity. It’s kicking up dust in the midday sun and soundtracking nights of pure debauchery. Nestter Donuts is Flamenco Trash through and through, its beating heart and sullied soul.

Thee Savage Beat (FR)
Venu de Barcelone en Espagne, ....... à la ville est un vilain garçon obsédé par le rock’n’roll trash, à la scène il est définitivement le fils bâtard de Hasil Hadkins, célèbre pionnier du rockabilly américain. Élevé par une famille de gitans, il a galéré dans les clubs les plus pourris de la ville avec notamment son groupe Suicide Generation. Il a créé aujourd’hui le personnage de Nestter Donuts qui est le seul One Man Band de Flamenco Trash connu à ce jour. Son goût du flamenco lui est venu de sa famille. Son côté trash il l’exprime sur scène en jouant nu et en frappant ses parties génitales sur des maracas, matraquant sa guitare trash pour rendre encore plus diabolique son Flamenco. Il trouve refuge aujourd’hui chez le label Voodoo Rhythm, label des « âmes perdues » qui lui permet de diffuser son Flamenco Lo-Fi en Europe. Sur l’album on retrouve un excellent hommage à Elvis Presley, une chanson anti-corrida « Die Torero », une chanson sur la cocaïne, une rumba sur Bruges où dans le texte il rend visite à son pote Paco en prison. Pour le novice, on a affaire à l’antithèse de Manu Chao, à un album sans concession. Ce « Flamenco Trash » très prenant et rafraîchissant ne manquera pas de vous satisfaire et vous fera voyager sous le soleil d’Alicante (Frédéric Quennec)

Bij een nieuwe release op Voodoo Rhythm weet je wat je voorgeschoteld krijgt. Trash / rock n roll in zijn meest uitgeklede vorm. De uit Allicante afkomstige Nestter Donuts vormt hier geen uitzondering op. Maar zijn insteek is wel weer origineel. De album titel verraadt zijn stijl al en daarmee is niets te veel gezegd. Flamingo en trashy onemanband rock n roll. Nestter laat de stijlen niet overal samen smelten op Flamingo Trash. Zo zijn Amapola Franceso en Bruges Jail Rumba redelijk traditionele Flamingo liedjes en Cocaina en Infection recht toe recht aan garagestampers. Maar op de momenten dat hij het wel doet, zoals op Duna de La Perversion (dat over een swingers strand gaat in Alicante) waarop hij een weerbastige surf rock n roll gitaarriff over een opzwepend flamingo ritme heen legt, onstaat er iets unieks. Een bijzonder goed geslaagde mash up. En dit is niet de enige keer dat de in een strakke luipaard catsuit gehulde Nestter zo’n geslaagde crossover ten gehore brengt. Ook het feitelijk instrumentale Meow, Meow en Asesinato Yugular zijn voorbeelden hoe deze twee stijlen prima blenden. En net als bij alle liedjes is Nestter zo aardig om aan te geven waar de liedjes over gaan. Meow Meow gaat over live orgies en onenight stands en Asesinato Yugular is een ode aan een kroeg (Mono Bar). Flamengo Trash is op verschillende locaties opgenomen (Frankrijk, Zwitserland en Spanje) en voor een oneman band klinkt dit album behoorlijk huge. Een aanrader voor een ieder die van de spaghettiwestern sound, garagerock en ja…Flamingo houdt.

Nestter first got his start in Alicante/Barcelona when he was a young Tim Bit (look it up Non-Canadians!) born in 1993 to a Gypsy Flamenco Family. Nestter sought out the vilest, dirtiest, putrid, backwater venues to ply his trade as a traveling one-man band. He soon came into contact with THE TOURISTS (no not the band that once had Annie Lennox in it. I mean those annoying, disrespectful, littering, loitering loudmouths). It was here that Nestter ate through the British sounds of the day. (think Oasis, Blur, Radiohead, etc). The light had shone down on little Nestter; he now had the desire, passion, and vigor to create his own sound and develop it to take across the world uniting everyone in world peace and one love. Then he woke up. Zzzzzz.
Fuck that he arose to show the world his birthmark on the head of his little donut called Flamenco Trash. Ripe for the picking and ready to squish the juice out like a well-formed pressure-filled zit, chocked full of puss and blood enabling it to squirt all over Daddy’s coke mirror from the 80s. Nester shoots lasers from his genitals, the proof is in the custard-filled jelly glazed. (check out the link to his video for proof).
More energy coming from this lone wolf compared to an Osmonds reunion of Crazy Horse full-on harlequin horseshit. An ineluctable journey through Donut's eyes of sin, debauchery, sweat, piss, and vapid vision and thus breathing soul into the bloodless corpse of eunuch ball-less fodder decorated as tiny gingerbread men without gumdrop buttons. Long Live The King of Flamenco Trash! Come get naked with Nestter! at one of his live shows. Think G.G without the poop however this cat can actually sing like a canary in a coalmine!.

Being crazy doesn't hurt, they say. On a few loose screws more or less, label boss Lightning Beat-Man hasn't looked for years when he signs artists for his label. Screws are therefore not for him. Flamenco Trash, on the other hand, when performed in a rather disturbed way by a specimen from Alicante or Barcelona, ​​depending on whether Jos is hanging on the left or right in his leopard suit. Nestter Donuts comes from a gypsy family where flamenco was infused into his veins. He traveled through Europe on his own or with his band Suicide Generation and has since made it to One Man Flamenco Massacre Desaster, if only because he has a penchant for playing his maracas with his genitals. Flamenco Trash in other words, which he prefers to play naked live. He also does that in his videos, purely to give the puritan oelewappers an ear. His music is wild, trashy, punk, lo-fi and out of whack, with that obligatory dash of flamenco, because he can't (or won't) do anything else. ......... blasts our ears in Spanish and Spanglish, adding extra hilarity to his delightfully skewed tunes. A must.

Atentos/as a este trabajo discográfico, podemos estar ante uno de los discos de año si es conocido y difundido entre la masa y la mass media. El alicantino barcelonés hombre orquesta y solista Nestter Donuts nos trae un disco de flamenco punk lo-fi trash. Ahí es nada. Canciones en las que se entremezcla el cante jondo con las guitarras eléctricas y la batería, a ritmo desenfrenado, cantando en castellano e inglés. ¿Se puede pedir más? Claro que sí, calidad, y la tiene. Escuchar temas como “Amapola francesa”, “Cocaína”, “Bruges Jail Rumba” o “Mamba jovencita” demuestra que estamos ante algo diferente y fresco. Probablemente a los puristas del flamenco les genere repulsa, pero aquí hay duende. A la cabeza e te vienen desde los Chunguitos, Lo Carayos, Hot Pants o Los Amaya.